(ap)-ALCOA, Tenn. – The son of a well-known Alcoa pastor has taken out an order of protection against his father, claiming he was threatened with a gun during an argument at a church over his lack of church attendance. The order of protection was filed by 32-year-old Michael Louis Colquitt against 60-year-old Joe Colquitt, pastor of St. John Missionary Baptist Church.
The younger man told police his father pulled out a handgun when they met at the church to discuss church attendance. He told officers his father pointed the gun at him and threatened to kill him, his wife and family.
Joe Colquitt declined to comment when contacted by The Daily Times of Maryville.
A Feb. 4 hearing was set in Blount County General Sessions Court.
(UPI) -- A Minneapolis company is taking the female tradition of sales parties in a new, male-oriented direction with back yard barbecue events.
Man Cave Worldwide is a start-up outfit specializing in barbecue equipment sales through representatives at parties -- just like Tupperware or Mary Kay cosmetics only with male-targeted products, including a $25 spatula large enough to flip four burgers at once, a $55 branding iron for putting the chef's initials into steak and a $30 set of rollers for cooking bratwurst.
John Schaffran, a San Jose, Calif., sales representative for Man Cave, said there are a few tricks to a successful sales party with men, including premiums for large purchases and the ever-important free beer, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Friday.
"Free beer is something that will always get a crowd of guys together," Schaffran said.
(UPI) -- A Missouri man who paid a youngster to destroy a World War II monument has agreed to banishment from town as part of his punishment.
Rex Barstow Sr., 57, who was convicted in December of paying a 14-year-old ne'er-do-well to knock over a monument to Clark native Gen. Omar Bradley and spray paint a city fire department shed, was sentenced Jan. 20 by Howard County Circuit Judge Scott Hayes to serve 60 days in the Randolph County Jail, The Columbia (Mo.) Daily Tribune reported.
Barstow is to serve four years of probation "and by agreement, stay out of Clark." He was also ordered to pay $7,563 restitution.
"From those in town that I've talked to, they seem to be well pleased" with the sentence, said Clark Mayor Homer Colley, who was a witness at the trial.
(UPI) -- Firefighters in Tennessee said a 75-year-old woman was shocked when she was awakened by a boulder the size of a small car crashing through her bedroom wall.
Authorities said Elizabeth Allred was sleeping in a hospital bed in her Rogersville home while recovering from a broken hip when the boulder crashed through the wall, sending her wheeled bed rolling across the room, the Kingsport (Tenn.) Times reported.
"This wasn't a gravel. This was a very large rock, and it broke loose from a bank above the apartment," Rogersville Fire Chief David Jackson said. "It was dark and pouring down rain, and I don't know if it rolled or slid, but it came off of the embankment beside the building. It rolled or slid into the end of the apartment."
Jackson said Allred, who was taken to Hawkins County Memorial Hospital, was startled by her ordeal but not seriously injured.
"I asked her what she thought was happening, and she said she thought it was a train," Jackson said.
(UPI) -- A Polish funeral director said he opened the coffin of a 76-year-old man to retrieve items for the bereaved family only to discover the man was still alive.
Jerzy Wisniewski, a spokesman for the Regional Ambulance Service in Katowice, said beekeeper Josef Guzy collapsed near his barn and was pronounced dead at the scene by a doctor, The Times of London reported Tuesday.
"There were no signs of life when his wife called the ambulance. An experienced doctor with a specialist qualification in resuscitation found that the patient was not breathing, there was no heartbeat and the body had cooled -- all the characteristics of death," Wisniewski said.
However, funeral director Darius Wysluchato said he opened Guzy's coffin later that day to retrieve a necklace for the man's wife and discovered a pulse.
"I happened to touch the artery in the neck and was totally shocked. I checked it again and shouted, 'There is a pulse.' My assistant checked as well. I leaned in close and I could tell that he was still breathing. My God, it was a miracle," Wysluchato said.
Guzy was rushed to intensive care and was released from the hospital after a few weeks of treatment. He said he is grateful to Wysluchato for finding his signs of life.
"The undertaker saved my life. I am so grateful. The first thing I did when I got out of hospital was take him a pot of honey," he said.
(UPI) -- A jury of one's peers in Illinois' Cook County doesn't include President Barack Obama, who won't be honoring his jury summons, officials said.
The Cook County Circuit Court sent a jury summons to Obama's South Side Chicago home, requesting his presence at the courthouse beginning Monday, WLS-AM, Chicago, reported.
A White House official said the president has alerted the court he won't be able to make it, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
"The president won't be expected to show up, but I'm sure he has already received his summons and responded," a court official said. "The jury summons contains his Kenwood address and is for a jury trial on Monday."
Obama's schedule for Monday was, well, busy. It included a meeting with a task force on the middle class, welcoming the Los Angeles Lakers, the reigning NBA champions, and discussing issues of mutual interest with Kurdistan Regional Government President Masoud Barzani. On Wednesday, Obama is scheduled to deliver his State of the Union speech.
Song of the Day:
Lene Nystrøm - It's Your Duty (To shake that booty)
(I do not own this news story,song or video,only the idea of putting them together)
BERLIN - Officials in Germany say eight teenagers were hospitalized after a test of courage in which they drank chili sauce more than 200 times hotter than typical Tabasco sauce.
The Red Cross in the southern city of Augsburg says that 10 boys, aged 13 and 14, drank the sauce Wednesday morning, apparently in school.
The German news agency DAPD quoted the Red Cross as saying the boys complained of feeling sick, and eight were taken to a hospital. They were to be kept in overnight for observation.
The Red Cross said that on the Scoville scale, which measures the hotness of sauce, the sauce measured 535,000 — compared to 2,500 for normal Tabasco sauce.
(ap) – Boulder authorities locked down a Lafayette charter school while they examined a duffel bag left at the campus parking lot that ended up containing a Kermit the Frog doll. Boulder County's bomb squad responded to the Peak to Peak Charter School after an employee there called at about 7:15 a.m. Wednesday to report the unattended bag. Authorities used a robot with movable arms and a camera to investigate the bag and then an officer inspected it to make sure it was safe.
(UPI) -- A Texas woman said she bit into a Milky Way candy bar
and found a tooth with a silver filling in the candy.
Sue Calhoun of Brownsboro said she brought the candy bar and a Coca-Cola along for the ride to Dallas with her husband to pick up a new tractor on New Year's Day and she noticed something strange about the chocolate bar, KLTV, Tyler, Texas, reported Monday.
"I took one bite and it was fine, so I took another bite and bit down on something and thought, 'Well, it may be a peanut,'" Calhoun said.
"I thought, 'Well, Milky bars don't have peanut or any kind of nuts in it," she said. "I looked at it and I thought, 'Oh, gosh! Gross! How terrible! (It's a) tooth!'"
Calhoun said she called Mars Candy, manufacturers Milky Way, about the find.
"She (a Mars representative) said, 'I'm going to send you a package to send the tooth and the candy back in.' But, I'm not real sure I'm going to send it back to them or not because they could keep the evidence and I'm not sure if I would ever see it again," she said.
Calhoun said she is planning to have her local dentist examine the tooth.
(UPI) -- Danish police say a man may face charges after allegedly rubbing dog droppings into the hair of a canine owner who neglected to clean up after her pet.
The 41-year-old Silkeborg woman said she was walking home with her dog and a load of groceries when a 68-year-old man angrily confronted her for letting her dog do its business in his garden, The Copenhagen Post reported.
The woman said she offered to run home to get a bag and clean up the mess but the man would not listen.
"He was really aggressive. He grabbed the woman by the hair, held on tight to her and rubbed the dog poop all over her head," a witness said.
Police officer Jens Claumarch said the man could be charged with violence or violations of public order laws.
(UPI) -- Students from Sweden's Chalmers University marched on a Falkenberg brewery to protest the decades-long lack of progress on a beer pipeline to the student union.
The students said Tuesday's occupation of the Carlsberg Brewery was part of an only partially-serious tradition stretching back to 1959, when the student union purchased a single share in the company that owned the brewery until 2000, The Local reported Wednesday.
The students pushed for a 62-mile long beer pipeline to provide the beverage to the union headquarters, but construction halted in 1968, after only 6 1/2 feet of the pipe was put in place.
Workers at the brewery welcomed Tuesday's march, which included several members of student performing arts groups. Officials agreed to meet with the students and the occupation ended with an announcement from Carlsberg spokesman Goran Orre.
"We've listened and accepted their demand. We'll soon start construction on one meter (3.2 feet) of pipeline," he said.
(UPI) -- British authorities said they visited the home of an 18-year-old mother who posted a picture on Facebook of her infant son with an unlit cigarette in his mouth.
Essex police said they visited the Southend, England, home of Rebecca Davey, 18, after online friends reported her for the photo of her 6-month-old son Ollie, the Daily Mail reported.
Police said they found "no immediate concerns" for the infant's welfare. They said the home was also visited by investigators from social services.
The photo has been removed from Davey's Facebook site.
(UPI) -- A man who pleaded guilty to two murders in Florida performed a self-written rap song in court before he was sentenced to life in prison.
Cordaro Hardin, 21, who was convicted Thursday of the shooting deaths of David Heath and Jeff Shultz in St. Petersburg in January 2007, performed a song entitled "Where Do I Go From Here?" in Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge Nancy Moate Ley's courtroom before the jury handed down the prison sentence, sparing him the death penalty, the St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times reported.
"God, I need a little assistance, will you be with me? By my side when I leave here, where do I go from here?" Hardin sang before receiving two life sentences.
Heath's mother, June Bartke, left the room during the song and later said she found the performance inappropriate.
(UPI) -- A 77-year-old woman in Auburndale, Mass., left her cats a $300,000 trust fund and a home to live in due to concerns for the felines' welfare, an attorney says.
Attorney George Kickham, who was responsible for ensuring Muriel Bayne's four cats stayed at home, said he attempted to talk Bayne out of creating such a large financial trust for her pets before her death, The Boston Globe said Sunday.
"It is kind of bizarre, quite frankly,'' Kickham said. "We tried to talk this woman out of it.''
The last of the four cats died in 2008 and the two-bedroom home occupied by the felines for seven years was eventually sold to a medical student.
While Kickham questioned Bayne's estate bestowal decision, Massachusetts Humane Society President Joanne G. Mainiero applauded the late senior's dedication to her pets.
"The cats were at least taken care of without being euthanized or dumped somewhere,'' Mainiero told the Globe. "It's great they could enjoy the rest of their lives.''
(Reuters) - The extramarital affair conducted by Iris Robinson, the wife of Northern Ireland's First Minister, has inspired an internet campaign to push "Mrs Robinson," the song from the film "The Graduate," to the top of the British pop charts.
The drive began after Robinson, 60, said last week she tried to kill herself last year following an affair with a then 19-year-old man that resembles the plot of Mike Nichols' Oscar-winning film.
A university graduate played by a young Dustin Hoffman was seduced by the older Anne Bancroft in the 1967 movie which helped the Simon and Garfunkel song to number one in the United States pop charts a year later.
"Lets get the iconic song Mrs Robinson - made famous by the 1960's hit The Graduate - to number 1 in next Sunday's chart in honor of Northern Ireland's disgraced first lady," the campaign page, hatched on the Facebook website, said.
Participants have to download the song from the internet. A similar drive on Facebook, the world's No.1 internet social network, put US rap-metal band Rage Against The Machine on top of the Christmas chart but the 10,000 people backing "Mrs Robinson" falls someway short of the near one-million who supported that push.
Peter Robinson temporarily stood down as first minister on Monday to face an inquiry over whether he should have told authorities of the 50,000 pounds ($80,000) his wife raised to help the 19-year-old man open a cafe in Belfast
(UPI) -- Members of a Swedish Weight Watchers clinic said a floor collapsed from under a group of about 20 dieters participating in a weighing event.
The participants said they were gathered at the Vaxjo clinic Wednesday night to measure the amount of weight they had lost with the help of the program when they heard a loud noise shortly followed by the collapse of the floor, Swedish news agency Tidningarnas Telegrambyra reported Thursday.
"We suddenly heard a huge thud; we almost thought it was an earthquake and everything flew up in the air. The floor collapsed in one corner of the room and along the walls," one of the members said.
The group said the floor then gave out in other parts of the room and the smell of sewage spread throughout the area.
"We're going to have to find a replacement premises," Weight Watchers consultant Therese Levin said.
The participants, who were not injured, said they finished weighing one another in a nearby hallway.
Weight Watchers said the cause of the collapse is being investigated.
(UPI) -- Authorities in North Carolina said a school bus being used as a marijuana greenhouse was well hidden -- it was buried underneath the suspect's garage.
Lenoir County Sheriff's Maj. Chris Hill said the Wednesday arrest of Jerome Murriell, who was pulled over with several pounds of marijuana in his car, led them to search the home of Linsey and Desiz Dail outside of Kinston, WITN-TV, Greenville, N.C., reported.
"The canines were brought in," Hill said, "and as a result of the dogs being brought in they located a hidden panel, or door, or wall in an out building."
Hill said the panel was disguising a tunnel leading to an underground school bus that had been outfitted as a marijuana growing room.
"To actually dig a hole and place a school bus inside of it and cover it up with dirt and have a tunnel to it to cover up, that whole operation is at the very least unique," Hill said.
He said investigators found 60 mature marijuana plants inside the bus.
Sheriff's officials said all three suspects were charged with conspiracy to manufacturing marijuana, trafficking marijuana and possession with intent to sell marijuana. They were taken to the Lenoir County Jail.
(UPI) -- A Texas Tech University sociology study suggests a correlation between multiple pieces of "body art," aka tattoos or piercings, and "deviant behavior."
Jerome Koch said his "Body Art Team" surveyed 1,753 students at four unnamed Midwestern and Southern universities and found those respondents with multiple tattoos
or piercings were more likely to admit to "deviant behavior."
"Results indicate that respondents with four or more tattoos, seven or more body piercings, or piercings located in their nipples or genitals, were substantively and significantly more likely to report regular marijuana use, occasional use of other illegal drugs, and a history of being arrested for a crime," the study said. "Less pronounced, but still significant in many cases, was an increased propensity for those with higher incidence of body art to cheat on college work, binge drink, and report having had multiple sex partners in the course of their lifetime."
The survey found 14 percent of the respondents had at least one tattoo and 37 percent had at least one body piercing. The researchers said they did not find any difference between the behaviors of students with no body art and those with small numbers of tattoos or piercings.
(UPI) -- A singles group specializing in amorous encounters for older women and younger men said Miami's Carnival Cruise Lines rejected a requested event.
Rich Gosse, executive producer of CougarEvents.com and chairman of The Society of Single Professionals, said the group's travel agent, SinglesTravelCompany.com, was told by the cruise line that the group's previous "cougars and cubs" cruise would be its last with Carnival, The Miami Herald reported Tuesday.
"We have decided not to have any future groups on our ships booked on this theme," Carnival spokeswoman Jennifer de la Cruz said.
De la Cruz said "there were not any particular issues on board" during the December cruise, but "we simply made the business decision not to have future groups book on this theme."
Stewart Chiron of Miami, chief executive of CruiseGuy.com, said Carnival likely rejected the cougar cruise to maintain its family-friendly image.
"Carnival has distanced itself from being Spring Break USA," Chiron said.
Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, will return to her broadcast roots and take her conservative message to Fox News as a regular commentator, the cable channel announced today.
"I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at Fox News," Palin said in a statement posted on the network's website. "It's wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news."
Fox said that according to the multiyear deal, Palin will offer political commentary and analysis on the cable channel, as well as Fox's website, radio network and business cable channel.
Her upcoming commentary career had her Facebook fans giddy with excitement.
"Tell 'em like it is girl!!!!!!," one person wrote on a post.
"I look forward to seeing you on Fox....but I hope it doesn't prevent you from running in '12!," another wrote.
Hundreds of New Yorkers have been riding the city's subway trains in their underwear.
They stripped down to their undies on Sunday for the ninth annual No Pants Subway Ride.
The idea is to act like nothing unusual is going on.
Participants met up at six locations throughout the city. They formed groups and dispersed to subway stations to catch trains. Once inside the subway cars, they began calmly removing their pants and folding them up.
Most people read magazines or chatted with their companions like any other straphanger.
The event started in 2002 with just seven people. It has spread to other cities.
The stunt is organized by Improv Everywhere, a group that says its mission is to cause "scenes of chaos and joy in public places."
(UPI) -- Authorities in Florida said a man was arrested for allegedly smearing meatloaf in his wife's face while they were discussing a separation.
The Manatee County Sheriff's Office said Lance David Ziegler, 39, allegedly picked the meatloaf up off his kitchen table and smeared it into his wife's face Wednesday after she announced her intention to leave him, the Sarasota (Fla.) Herald-Tribune reported.
Deputies said they arrived at the home at about 7:45 p.m. and found the woman's face was slightly red and slathered with small amount of residual sauce.
Ziegler, who told deputies he had not hit his wife, was arrested and charged with domestic battery.
(UPI) -- British firefighters called to a hospital said they spent 30 minutes using a metal grinder to free a man's penis from a steel pipe.
The Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service crew said they were called to England's Southampton General Hospital Tuesday morning to use the 4 1/2-inch grinder to cut through the pipe without damaging the man's sex organ, The Sun reported.
Hospital staff said they were unable to remove the pipe without assistance because the blood flow in the man's penis had become restricted and caused him to become aroused. Doctors said the man's penis was bruised and swollen after the operation but he did not suffer any serious or permanent injuries.
Firefighters said the man declined to explain how his penis had become stuck in the pipe.
"It was a very delicate operation that required a very steady hand and the crew was worried about things getting too hot during the cutting," a Fire and Rescue spokesman said. "It's certainly an unusual call-out and I'm sure the man won't be getting into that situation again."
(UPI) -- Police in Colorado said a man who broke into a house with a friend found himself under arrest when his own children were inside and recognized him.
Evans police spokeswoman Rita Wolf said Raul Gaucin-Valenzuela, 33, of Greeley, and a friend broke into the home of the friend's ex-wife with the intention of confronting her boyfriend Saturday, but Gaucin-Valenzuela's children were inside the house and recognized their father despite the bandana over his face, The Greeley Tribune reported.
Wolf said the children, ages 8 and 11, were at the home being babysat by the second suspect's ex-wife. The men fled the home after the children recognized her father.
Gaucin-Valenzuela was arrested after returning to his home. He was charged with second-degree burglary, criminal mischief, child abuse and two counts of menacing.
Police said they were searching for the second man who entered the house and two suspects believed to have kept watch outside the woman's home.